Alhamdulillah...kami sekeluarga selamat tiba di Malaysia jam 6.44 minit pagi Ahad 24hb Ogos 2008..
To be continued..
Monday, August 25, 2008
Saya sudah sampai Malaysia..
Posted by
7:47 PM
Labels: malaysia
Friday, August 22, 2008
Au Revoir Poitiers...Goodbye..
Yesterday evening at 14:02 pm,we left Poitiers for good..I am so sad to leave the place where we had been living for almost 3 years..Besides,I feel so excited to go back to Malaysia to meet my beloved parents,relatives and friends...Yo guys,I"ll be there soon!
Currently,we are in Paris now!We want to spent our last day here in France..
Today,we had visited Galaries de Fayette,Musee du Louvre,Notre Dame,Champ-Elysee and Arc de Triomphe..It was raining since morning but we manage to enjoy ourselves for the last time here in France..We will miss u..
Tomorrow will be a long journey for us..Doakan kami selamat tiba di bumi tercinta..I will update with the pics soon..take care..
Posted by
7:28 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
I just wanna to say that we're having a very hectic and so tiring weekend..
I'm so sorry that I could not visit yr blog as always for the past few days and maybe for the up coming days..
We will leave France for good in 6 days time..
So I think that you guys can imagine my condition and situation right now..kan?
We are so busy with arranging,rearranging,cleaning,selling the electrical stuffs,sending stuffs to Malaysia,etc..
Sudah mahu pengsan maaaaaaa...adoi!

Luckily,,I received this cute little bear from my friend..kak long..
Thank you so much dear..I loike it!!
(Hmm..lama jugak x terima bear..masa cinta cintun dulu2 jer...haha)

Hope you'll like it..
InsyaAllah..I will visit you later..k..bye bye
Posted by
6:59 PM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Bila mat saleh makan bersila...
Intoduce to u our friend..Chloe and Etienne..
Pinggan nasi lemak tu dah duduk atas riba....:P

aksi suap nasi ke dalam mulut.........
"hehe..ko suap ke ko tabur tu Etienne?..hahhaa....
makan-makan...asal kenyang ye..
akak masak sedap tu........."

For today's lunch..I cooked coconut milk rice,crabs in knorr soup,fried chinchard fish and egg salads..
Simple saja,,
Makan ikut adat melayu..makan bawah..bagi mat saleh 2 orang tu merasa..
syik kita saja makan dgn fork n spoon...
kali ni biar diorg rasa pulak..iye dak..
They said that my dishes were so delicious!!!
Merci..thank you...suka!

Lepas makan..kami lepak-lepak kejap..then terus main 'eye toy' PS2..
best game dia..boleh mnguruskan fun!~

My hubby and Etienne are menari nih..
teka sapa menang?...
My hubby!!!Bravo...
Chloe dah terduduk kekenyangan dan keletihan..dia pun join game tadi..hahha..
Giliran Wafeeq dan Nasrin pulak...

habis main lapar la pulakkan...
ku buatkan sardine puff for them...
sedap sangat..
credit to Chef Mat Gebu..thank u!!!
pastry tu ku beli ready made crunchy!

Seronok tak terhingga hari ni..dapat menjamu kawan-kawan..(3 orang saje..) yang datang bertandang ke rumah kami..
Thank U for coming guys..
dan ini pula dr our friend Sio Li..(gambar xde pulak)
(2 paris shirts,a Portugal shirt,a Portugal keychain and a MNG clucth for me..)
"Terima kasih banyak-banyak.."

Posted by
9:37 PM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Last Visit...Doc!
Few hours ago..Ilayda Anaiis had her monthly medical checkup by our family doctor..Mr.Russeau..
This will be the last visit for her because in 2 weeks time..we will leave France for good..;(
How time flies so fast!
Ilayda is already 4 months,1 week and 1 day old...
Just look at her..she's adorable isn't she?:P
Posted by
10:04 PM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Award for me?
adleez and katak_ayu..
Merci Beaucoup..Thank you so much..Terima Kasih..
As a winner of this award..(macam x layak jer..)..I have to follow the 5 regulations here...
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.......................Done!
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from...........Yes!
3. Nominate 5 blogs...............................................................Sudah!
4. Put links to the blogs.............................................Ok!
5. Leave a message for your nominees.......................Boleh saja!
My Daily Lives
Journal To Remember
Grow Great By Dreams
Simfoni Hati
Old Town Country
Posted by
10:16 PM
Labels: award
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
PS2 Jeux
Sudah menjadi kegilaan ramai sekarang ni kan..
We just bought our new PS2 game this evening..This one comes with a camera..and it has more than 50 games that can be played by 1 to 4 players!..
Ibu dan ayah pun boleh join dia banyak guna pergerakan..exercise gitu..baguskan..
Posted by
10:00 PM
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Nasib baik sale dah tamat yer..huhu
Tiap-tiap hari Sabtu,kami selalunya keluar ke Auchan untuk beli groceries for a week..Selalunya we will go after lunch hour..dalam pukul 3 p.m..BUT..hari ini adalah hari terakhir SOLDES..(sale in english)..Sebabkan last day punya pasal..kami keluar awal dr rumah..we went to centre ville..(town)..saja nak tengok2 apa yg patut dirembat saat-saat akhir kan..hihhi..(pada hal sebelum ni dah banyak..x cukup lagi!)..Pulak..
Kat centre ville pagi tadi ramai sungguh orang..Kebanyakkannya tourist dari england..kenal sgt sbb speak englishkan..Diorg pulak shopping sungguh!Dalam Butik ZARA penuh tourists ajer..haha..borong sakan!

From Zara,we went into several shops..and...hasilnya
Posted by
10:25 PM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Mari menjawab tag!
Bahawasanya dengan ini,saya dgn suka hati menjawab tag yang diberikan dengan ikhlas hatinya dari my sis..katak_ayu..Semoga terus ayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....
1. Kali pertama naik kapal terbang
Hmmm..rasanya tahun 2003..nak p beraya kat Brunei rumah PIL..syok sakan masa tu sbb nak raya n first time lak naik plane..kan..kan..
2. Kali pertama ke oversea Thailand..makan laksa yg sedap yg amat..sampai sekarang masih terasa2 sedapnyer tuh..x leh lawan tempat lain ma...
3. Kali pertama duduk berjauhan dengan keluarga
Masuk Maktab kat Penang..sedih tapi best pulak bila dah ada kat sana..sampai sekarang..kalau nak balik Aloq Setaq mesti singgah Penang..tak pun singgah on the way back to Teluk Intan..Dulu masa tinggal di Kelantan..every weekend mesti p Penang tau..naik moto TZM lagi..zrooooooooooom!(macam lari tajuk je ni..hihi)
4. Ingin melancung ke
Seantero dunia..Tapi kalau boleh nak ke Turkey dan Dubai..
5. Favourite accessories
Saya tiada favourite accessories,..dalam erti kata lain..semua aku suka!
6. 4 Perkataan yg selalu disebut
* Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
* Bonjour..(everyday)
* Nak kene pukui....?
* Ala.............(bunyik ngade-ngade)
7. Kalo ada duit *juta...juta...juta*
Aku akan beli sebuah pulau..buat rumah,hotel2 atas tu..pastu p melancung rata2..beli kapal besar..senang nak p releks kat laut dgn family...ala....macam2 la...
8. Siapakah yg akan di tag:(kalo rajin sila buat!)
Posted by
8:02 PM
Labels: tagged