Yesterday evening at 14:02 pm,we left Poitiers for good..I am so sad to leave the place where we had been living for almost 3 years..Besides,I feel so excited to go back to Malaysia to meet my beloved parents,relatives and friends...Yo guys,I"ll be there soon!
Currently,we are in Paris now!We want to spent our last day here in France..
Today,we had visited Galaries de Fayette,Musee du Louvre,Notre Dame,Champ-Elysee and Arc de Triomphe..It was raining since morning but we manage to enjoy ourselves for the last time here in France..We will miss u..
Tomorrow will be a long journey for us..Doakan kami selamat tiba di bumi tercinta..I will update with the pics soon..take care..
*Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera. *
*Moga sihat ceria gembira dan dimurahkan rezeki sentiasa.*
*DECLUTTERING* adalah tindakan mengeluarkan barang-bar...
2 days ago
Dear Faizah...
waaaa...bestnyaaa dah nak balik Mesia...
we wish all of u sefamily selamat sampai ke tanahair terchenta...huhuhuh.....sure sedih kan nak tinggaikann France after 3 years korg kat sana kan.....
Gud Luck & Best Wishes for u and Asaq......
take care!
Selamat pulang ke Malaysia..Tentu seronok dpt sambut puasa dan raya kat sini..
selamat kembali ke tanah air terchenta! mesti ade sejuta kenangan di France kan!
takpe ade rezeki pegi lagi. ;)
Hai Faizah............
SeLaMaT KeMbAlI Ke MaLaYsIa!!!!!!!!
Welcome Back to M'sia... :-)
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