Friday, May 23, 2008

Fete Foraine

Few days back,we went to Fete foraine or 'fun fair' to have some fun with our kiddos since the weather was really good to go out..There was lots of people with children and youngsters because it was free entrance..Besides,Wednesday is the day that lessons will be end up at 11.40 a.m..Meaning,in the evening,they can come here and grab the fun.

Nasrin seronok sangat tu...

Pancing itik..lepas tu dapatlah mainan..bestnyer!hihi..

Pomme d'amour
(apple of love)

Same as the apple in the snow white story..

Kuih Doraemon yang melambak-lambak..Dorayaki..hihii..

Hantu punya rumah..

Ada siapa-siapa nak naik benda ni x?
Ini mmg sure muntah punya..

Semua gembira dan letih..

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Aksi Anaiis

Sebenarnya tiada cerita sangat nak disampaikan..
Kita layan foto-foto ni yer..

Bergaya sebelum mandi..

Anak ibu dah tembam..

Saya pakai baju kak ngah la...

Mula dah suruh orang angkat tu.......

Tertido pulak kat tengah-tengah..

Hari ini saya 45 days tau..

Kita serupa...serupa tapi tak sama..

Uikkk..apa pasal..

(Apsal lambat sangat mandi ni...)


Comel tak saya?...

Sekarang Anaiis dah pandai bg respon bila kami cakap dgn dia..
Dia cuba balas balik tau..cute jer bunyi dia buat..

*Ku dah lepas..lepas ape?Lepas pantang la.....hehe..
*Berat Ilayda Anaiis dah 4.5 kg sekarang..alhamdulillah..

Friday, May 16, 2008

It's Teachers Appreciation Day!

I would love to wish my teachers and friends especially my x-classmates PIMO,my friends at SK Gemang Kelantan,SK Sungai Tungku Teluk Intan and my teacher bloggers....

Glitter Photos

A Teacher for All Seasons

A teacher is like Spring,
Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads them,
Whenever they have doubts.

A teacher is like Summer,
Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.

A teacher is like Fall,
With methods crisp and clear,
Lessons of bright colors
And a happy atmosphere.

A teacher is like Winter,
While it’s snowing hard outside,
Keeping students comfortable,
As a warm and helpful guide.

Teacher, you do all these things,
With a pleasant attitude;
You’re a teacher for all seasons,
And you have my gratitude!

By Joanna Fuchs

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Strawberry or in French we call it 'fraise'..

This year, I've planted 6 parfum fraise plants..Meaning the fruits have good smell like parfume!
Nak rasa mai rumah I...hehhe...

Layan pics ok...

Good to eat with nutella chocolate and cream too..tambah gula sikit..
Buat fruit pie pun sedap..

My roses tak keluar bunga lagi..InsyaAllah akan ada special entry for roses only..

Sekarang musim roses sedang mekar..springkan..

**I wonder how come my roses x kuar bunga lagi...oppss..lupa bubuh baja...huhu

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Musim Tag

The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

I've been tagged by Mamafaris,Mar Barcelona dan Yusz_tiey..Aii..Macam pakat pulak korang ye mengetag aku benda yang sama..(Nasib baik la sama kalau tak kena buat lain2 lagi haru kan)..

7 random and weird facts about me..

1. I always read from the last page of any reading materials.

2. I do not use and like perfumes like any woman does because I dont smell!-hihi

3. I do not like anyone to disturb me when I do something that need my focus on.

4. I used to have 3 boyfriends in one time.-ramai peminat u...hihi.

5. I am good in drawing but bad in colouring-bolehlah tahan..

6. I have curly hair when I was small but now they are straight!

7. I do not mind to wear something that they called "old fashion" as long as I am comfortable and they are still in a good condition.

Now..I would love to tag .........

mat redo-1

Selamat membuat ye kawan-kawan..

Jawapan Teka Teki Saya

Nampaknya tiada pemenang la..

Ada yang jawab betul tapi kurang tepat beb..

So,hadiah kali ni kena forward ke depan lah yer..
InsyaAllah next month lebih mencabar lagi..

Cuba lagi tau..


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cuba Teka

Polish yr thinking skills now..

What is it?

The first 3 persons with the correct answer will receive something from me..

You will know the answer on Tuesday at 3 p.m Malaysia time.
Open to my bloggers and Malaysian readers only.

*please answer it correctly ya..jawapan yang tepat sahaja akan diterima
peringatan..jawapan yang TEPAT SAHAJA diterima..tq....hehehhe..

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Swing Me

Ilayda Anaiis-Baby yang bila hendak lena mesti suka nak kena enjut2 dan kalau letak jer kat tilam dia sekejap je dah bangun...alahai..

So,memang ku sangat letih dan satu kerja pun x dapat dibuatkan...

Due to that situation..we decided to pur her in a swing!
But in France swing macam ni x jual beb!
Kalau diorg tengok mesti suruh ku order dari MSia punya..hihihihih..

Nasib kami baik sbb ada swing Nasrin punya yang dibawa dari Msia masa mula2 datang tahun 2006..
Ingatkan dah rosak dah tapi tidak rupanya..
Kalau tidak susah jgkkan...

Masa mula-mula masukkan Anaiis dalam buai punyalah senyap..
Tak bergerak..dia rasa gayat kut,,,sian pulak..
Tenguk muka pun dah tau..

Nasib baik buai ni jenis elektrik..
Tak lenguh tangan makcikkan..:D

Kami pasang power yang paling minima sekali dan Anaiis terus lena..
Dapatlah ibu dia berehatkan..

Friday, May 2, 2008

Bon Voyage et Au Revoir..

Kelmarin,kami pergi hantar my mother,my MIL and FIL to the train station TGV Poitiers.Sudah hampir sebulan my mother n my MIL di France.My FIL stays for 9 days only.

Hari ini mereka berada di Paris..Bestnyer!
Jalan-jalan makan angin..

Mereka akan berlepas ke Malaysia jam 12.15 p.m pada hari sabtu.

Sedih jugak sbb rumah kembali sunyi..

Selamat Jalan dan selamat sampai ke tanahair tercinta dengan selamat.
"Terima kasih atas kedatangan kalian ke sini..
Kami amat menghargainya.
Panjang umur berjumpa lagi....."

sebelum terlupa..

Happy Birthday to this birthday boy yang ke 36...hehe
My father in law.
(Kek sudah tukar jadi ayam panggang..)
(Masakan disediakan oleh menantu :))

Feasting time!

***mak kata aku dah kurus berbanding masa dia sampai awal dulu...yippeeeeeeeeee!!
tul ke?..hehheeh...