Iskh..Ishk..Ishkk..kambing Poitiers ni rupanya suka makan spagethi..kikiki..lawak pulak rasanya..patut la bg makan daun buat dekk jer..rupa2nya engkau ni suka makan spagetthi..huhuhu..hahaha..pandai memilih rupanya kambing2 kat sini...

All these goat or chevre in french came from Senegal..Hmmm..jauh jugak tu nak bawak ke France ye x...
Actually we always came here in the evening to feed the goats,ducks and birds too..The parc is called Parc Blossac..It was the major park in Poitiers town..Besides that,my husband and I also brought our kiddos to play at the playground nearby..Sometimes,we played table tennis,roller-blade,petangue and football also...
ok guys..lets share some story or something funny about your pets or animals that love to eat something bizarre..
ok guys..lets share some story or something funny about your pets or animals that love to eat something bizarre..