Disneyland entrace
Bonjour a tous..cava?Today I would like to share with u the most popular place en France that we love to go and will go again for the 3rd times!!!Apa lagi..Disneyland lerrr...Syok siut..hahha..These photos was taken somewhere in August in 2006..The entrance fee is just 44 euros per person and if u are lucky u will get 25 euros per adult..tengok dia punya promotion of course..This year childrens who are under 7 years old can enter Disneyland for free..There will also another new fun games and new fantastic parade..Come let's visit Disneyland!!
i will visit too..
thx for the good promotion!
sajer jer dia.. Baru kita chat2 pagi tadi dgn dia..hihih Betul2 buat I teruja lah you nih...hihihihi.. Nak pergiiiiiiiiiiiii...
hahhahha..saja kacau azie..azi p dulu..pas tu kami lak pegi..
jemput ramai2 to disneyland
disneyland the place on earth that will make you so happy..kak elle dah pergi Disneyland at Anieham In the states 3 times and tak jemu2.But when we in Paris in June tak mungkin ada time nak ke Disneyland....sedeh.
kak elle..jangan sedeh2..x elokk tu..tak sempat ke disney x pe..kalau x sempat shopping.........huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Wah, kalau camni nak g tour Paris-lah.
Disneyland Paris.....bila nak sampai ni.... akak pass kat you jelah enjoy kat situ....ENJOY :D
wahhhhhhhhhh jeles nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...disney tu bukan ja heaven for budak budak.. tapi utk segala mak dan bapak budak jugak!! jauh tak dari rumah u?
Dari umah ke disneyland ambik masa 1 jam lebih naik TGV..(keretapi laju)..
zlaa...jemput la datang
wallaaa.. memang syok la esp kids tu kan.. great outing..
bila la kami nak sampai ni??
:) fascinatingggg!
My sons amirul and haziq will be joining his frnech class excursions to Paris on 03/27...which will include a trip to the disneyland!
my daughter who is studying in dublin is now in paris on her easter break ....
it seems to be the place to visit...hehehe
haa...sounds great!Kirim salam kat amirul n haziq..be prepared!
Bonjour..salam kenalan
Got here from Mr.Idham's blog.
Been to Pris. Love it. Been to Disney Paris...might do it again coz got another one small kid. She might get jealous that her sister went and she didn't.
Can you write where else in France to go visiting?
k.d..thanks for stopping by...byk tempat2 yg menarik kat france especially Paris..Eiffel tower,Champ-Elysee n Marne La Valee(Shopping centre),Musee Du Louvre(museum yg ada gambar asli Monalisa),Asterix Parc(Mcm Disneyland juga),Chateau de Versailles(Istana terbesar di France),Disneyland,n byk lagi la..if outside Paris..u can visit their chateau(istana2 bersejarah)n banyak lagi..
been there twice. hahaha. best gile. rase nak gi lagi.
bonjour madame... (kononnya pandai le french tu)
nak tanya je, saya kat sini suka gi ke carrefour - kat sana carrefour tu orang pandang ke tak? sekian sahaja soalan saya hari ni.
France cet belle.
Adik Jazz..kalau nak p lagi apa salahnya..tapi tiket bayar sendiri la..haha
Hai Mad Redo1...Carrefour tu kan org France yang punya..of course mereka pandang..Carrefour tu maknanya simpang..
Hello David..bonjour..
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