Petanque is a game which is similar to bowling but it must be played on the sand or at a big space..
The rules of the game
1.2 players in a game
2.Each players will be given 3 balls(bola cam lontar peluru tu)
3.One special ball must be place in the in front of the players.(mesti jauh sikit la..kang dekat sangat x aci)
4.The first player will throw one ball and it must be as near as can to the special ball.
5.Then,the next player will do the same.
6.The best part...each player can hit the other player's balls so that his /her ball will be the nearest ball to the special ball(Korang rase paham x ape aku tulis ni....hihih).
7.Pas tu ada cara pengiraan matanya..aku dah x ingat la...
8.Siapa punya bola yg paling dekat dgn special ball tu ..will win the game! easy can..tapi susah gak..jaga2 x pasal2 tangan ko patah..bola tu berat jgk la...
Ok...kalau susah sangat mai tengok gambar ni..proffesional tu..jgn main2..Kalau hari no rain..we play at Parc Blossac..selalunya main masa musim summer...
*Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera. *
*Moga sihat ceria gembira dan dimurahkan rezeki sentiasa.*
*DECLUTTERING* adalah tindakan mengeluarkan barang-bar...
2 days ago
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