The chateau of Azay de Rideau was built from 1518 until 1527,one of the earlist French renaissance chateau.Built on an island on Indre river,its foudations rise straight out of the water.

Chambord is the largest of the Loire castles,sumptuous renaissance palace,creation of the King Francois I inspired by the famous Leonardo Da Vinci.Dreams of a genial artist made reality by the enthusiasm by the greatest king of the 16C......
Pays de la Loire is famous by its chateaux or in english..castles.There are 12 amazing and historic chateaux here..

Wafeeq memandu bot!
Chambord is the biggest chateaux in pays the la Loire zone..but we could not entered the building because the visitors time are closed..Quel dommage ha!

Great pics..Nasrin with her ayah
Because of that..we decided to ride a boat which the driver was Wafeeq.....

Pandangan dari hadapan Castle de Chambord..ada 440 rooms!
Built on the river Cher,where the unique beauty of its architecture reflects in the water,The Chateau de Chenonceau is the Val of the Loire's finial.The "Chateau de Chenonceau"..the "perfect" Loire Valley castle in the harmonious setting of the river Cher,forests,gardens,..shaped by women,Chaterine Briconney,Dianne the Poitiers,Chaterine de Medicy,Louisse de Lorraine,Madame Dupin,Madame Pelouze..
konbanwa (selamat malam), time different sana dan sini samalah.
wafeeq tu sekali pandang boleh tertukar la dgn anak mat saleh.
hehhehe..mmg mcm anak mat saleh pun
How long have you been in France? Nanti kalau kami datang France boleh bawa jalan ke? Hihihi.. menjemput diri sendiri..tak malu sungguh!!
k.d...beres bab jalan2 tu..no worries..jemput datang ke rumah sekali..I've been here for about 15 months but my husband dah hampir 2 thn 6 bulan stays in France..
very nice..cantik
bila la akak lak nak ke sana ye..
Cantik dan indahkan..semuanya ciptaan Allah yang Maha Kuasa..
Faiza very interesting!!ntah lah ikut tour ntah kemana2 di bawak.
Salam kenal!
Cantik sungguh the building & castles. Mcm berada dlm filem dulu2, with the princess & prince charming!
macam anak mat salleh!
kak elle..mmg best kalau dapat melawat chateaux di France tapi mmg sure masa yg diambil mesti seharian..kalau x..memang x sempat nak menjelajah lebih2 lagi chateaux yg besar dan luas seperti di Paris..Chateau de Versailles..
oldtown..salam perkenalan dari saya juga..tq for stopping by..blog awak telah menawab hatiku sbb ada rose yg besar tu...nak pinjam boleh..haha
cantikla chateu ni..mesti kena tunjuk gambar ni kat hatice..she loves chateu... budak pompuan la katakan..
Hatice suka chateau ye..nanti ajak mummy datang sini yek..macam dalam fairy tales tau..
wah cantiknya chateaux kat sana, kalau dapat pergi bestnya, InsyaAllah kami sampai satu hari nanti....
cantik sebab masih lengkap, kat sini banyak castlenya dah kena gempa bumi.....
:) very nice....and paling i suka tgk u and hubby dan anak2...ONE happy family!
loveujordan...mmg sangat cantik castles tu..mungkin sbb faktor cuaca juga mempengaruhi..dan dibina dari batu..kalau la istana2 melayu raja kita dibuat dari batu..mungkin masih wujud sehingga ke hari ini..tapi malang sbb diperbuat dari papan..rosak dek panas dan hujan..punah dek anai2 dan bubuk...:(
Id..tq for yr comments..doakan kami sekeluarga kekal bahagia hingga ke alam syurga..merci beaucoup..jumpa lagi
wow. lawa gak eh castle2 tu. i've only been to paris n colmar je. never had chance to visit other cities in france. eh. akak tinggal kat mane eh kat france??
Akak tinggal kat Poitiers..x jauh dari La Rochelle..Bahagian Barat France..
ingat lagi masa ke Versailles dolu. Macam nak tercabut kaki berjalan.
mmg lawaaaaaaaaaaa
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