Bercuti ke La Rochelle
(Rumah Yati)
"La Rochelle is a city and commune of western France, and a seaport on the Atlantic Ocean (population 78,000 in 2004). It is the préfecture (capital) of the Charente-Maritime département(17). The city is connected to the Île de Ré (island) by a 2.9 km bridge, completed in 1988. Its harbour opens into a protected strait, the Pertuis d'Antioche."

Kami bertolak awal pagi sabtu ke La Rochelle.This is the third time we've been here since last yr..Sebenarnya hajat hendak mengunjungi "PESTA LAUT LA ROCHELLE"..tapi pesta tersebut telah dibatalkan kerana keadaan cuaca yang amat buruk,hujan,angin kencang,kilat,guruh dan sebagainya..Tiada rezeki nampaknya for this year..Next time InsyaAllah..

Since there was no 'fete'..we decided to go for a sight-seeing at the town..
shopping and window-shopping la kan...
Then,after lunch we took a bus to Yati's house..

Yati-A very warm lady,funny,unpredictable,lots of laughter,charming and luminous heart...

Masa turun dari bus..kami betul-betul berhenti di hadapan sawah gandum..
This is my first experience looking at the real field of wheat.
Luas mata memandang..
Sebelum wheat,padang ini ditanam dengan bunga kolza dan selepas wheat,
ditanam pula bunga matahari..
bersilih ganti mengikut musim..

Then in the evening,kami bersama tourist guide kami,mademoiselle Lea (Yati's daughter)
mengambil peluang berjalan2 ke sekitar taman perumahan..
Saya mengabdikan detik-detik manis ini dengan mengambil foto-foto bunga,rumah-rumah,aksi-aksi lucu dan lain2...
Cuasa masih sejuk dan berangin..

For the next day lunch,we were served with the seafood cuisine...
the langoustine(Dublin Bay Prawn) and the mussels...
Waaaa...banyak sedap looo...
The langoustine are very easy to cook..just boil them for 3 minutes with fish cubes..

On Monday afternoon,we left La Rochelle with lots of sweet memories..
"Merci beaucoup to Joel and Yati for your hospitality and also the delicious seafood dishes.."
Semoga berjumpa lagi..