Thursday, May 31, 2007

Grimace...To make faces

Anak-anak dengan aksi..


Hihihi...hang blajaq kat school ka Wafeeq?....

Nasrin pun teringin join jugak...lawak..

Kalau kita masa budak-budak dulu mesti dah kena penampor...
or kena x?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

La Rochelle

Bercuti ke La Rochelle
(Rumah Yati)

"La Rochelle is a city and commune of western France, and a seaport on the Atlantic Ocean (population 78,000 in 2004). It is the préfecture (capital) of the Charente-Maritime département(17). The city is connected to the Île de Ré (island) by a 2.9 km bridge, completed in 1988. Its harbour opens into a protected strait, the Pertuis d'Antioche."

Kami bertolak awal pagi sabtu ke La Rochelle.This is the third time we've been here since last yr..Sebenarnya hajat hendak mengunjungi "PESTA LAUT LA ROCHELLE"..tapi pesta tersebut telah dibatalkan kerana keadaan cuaca yang amat buruk,hujan,angin kencang,kilat,guruh dan sebagainya..Tiada rezeki nampaknya for this year..Next time InsyaAllah..

Since there was no 'fete'..we decided to go for a sight-seeing at the town..
shopping and window-shopping la kan...
Then,after lunch we took a bus to Yati's house..

Yati-A very warm lady,funny,unpredictable,lots of laughter,charming and luminous heart...

Masa turun dari bus..kami betul-betul berhenti di hadapan sawah gandum..
This is my first experience looking at the real field of wheat.
Luas mata memandang..
Sebelum wheat,padang ini ditanam dengan bunga kolza dan selepas wheat,
ditanam pula bunga matahari..
bersilih ganti mengikut musim..

Then in the evening,kami bersama tourist guide kami,mademoiselle Lea (Yati's daughter)
mengambil peluang berjalan2 ke sekitar taman perumahan..
Saya mengabdikan detik-detik manis ini dengan mengambil foto-foto bunga,rumah-rumah,aksi-aksi lucu dan lain2...
Cuasa masih sejuk dan berangin..

For the next day lunch,we were served with the seafood cuisine...
the langoustine(Dublin Bay Prawn) and the mussels...
Waaaa...banyak sedap looo...
The langoustine are very easy to cook..just boil them for 3 minutes with fish cubes..

On Monday afternoon,we left La Rochelle with lots of sweet memories..
"Merci beaucoup to Joel and Yati for your hospitality and also the delicious seafood dishes.."
Semoga berjumpa lagi..

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wednesday Market

Marche de Mecredi Matin
"The most famous market once in a week"

We grabbed this great opportunity to see the look of the Wednesday market here in Poitiers with our friend Mr Liew...Actually he is the one who had introduced the market to us..
He said that ,we can get the lots of asian products here such as 'sawi','telur masin','ikan bilis ' and many more..


It took 15 minutes to be here from our home...

Fresh Starwberries
with just 4 euro per kg

Cherries Season
4-5 euro per kg

The escargots

The french people love to eat the escargots..
Do you dare to eat it!?
In France, escargots are typically only eaten on festive occasions..
Typically, the snails are removed from their shells, gutted, cooked (usually with garlic butter), and then poured back into the shells together with the butter and sauce for serving, often on a plate with several shell-sized depressions.

I heard that there are 'halal' escargots in Brunei..

Very cheap..6 euro per kg
Do you want some?

The asian products of food

You can find 'belacan','sambal olek',kuetiow,dried laksa,maggi mee,
and others too..

It is easy to find the asian produts of food here in France

The Spring Potatoes

We can only find these kind of potatoes during spring season..
Nice taste and best to be eaten after boiled


Great to be cook with mutton..Cut the artichaut into 4 parts..Mix it with the mutton,onion and other vegetables..
Also best to be eaten raw with salt..It can also be made into an herbal tea..

Rasa seperti jantung pisang..

Vegetables and flowers plants

Holland 'Terompah'
28 euro

Some people like to make it as decoration..

'Boleh jadikan ia sebagai pasu gubahan bunga..'


There are lots of them in France and one of their food specialite..
France produces almost 400 different varieties of cheese, each one is as distinctive as a finger print.
Each region has its specialty — Normandy, France’s kingdom of milk and cream, is famous for unctuous Camembert and Pont l’Evêque; the Loire Valley and Provence for the tangy goat’s milk cheeses; Alsace for robust Munster; the Alpine region for firmer, subtly-flavored cheeses, such as Reblochon and Beaumont; the Paris area for the world’s most prestigious cheese, Brie — even from the Pyrénées comes Chiberta, firm, slightly nutty- flavored, a specialty of which the hardy Basque people are proud.

7 euro per kg!

Most of it came from Thailand...
'Ingat nak beli tapi tahan je la..
Makan puas-puas kat Malaysia nanti ye tak..'

ok..till my next entry..'La fete de la mer in La Rochelle'

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Fete de toit du monde,Poitiers

"Roof of the World Association Gathering"
in Poitiers

The party was held 2 weeks ago and was organized by a association called 'Toit Du Monde' or in English 'Roof Of The World Association'..
There were lots of stall held up near the streets and buildings too..
Mostly all of them came from African countries such as

Aibory Coast

and others too..

Some came from China,Morroco, Saudi Arabia,Thailand and the native people too..

They promoted their food,cultural dance,handycrafts and others..

(Where's Malaysia?..!!!)
(Kenapa hangpa tak habaq awai2..boleh kami bukak gerai nasi lemak dan ABC..sure laku nyerr)

Marocco Stall
Jual Roti Canai..

Jamaican Stall
Jual jemput-jemput tepung..

Ayam BBQ pun ada..

Depan gerai African
(Budak african tu duk usha saja..mesti ingat kami ni dari Madagascar)

Let's watch this video...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Resepi Dapur Faizah..

French Moules Dengan Sos Cendawan

"Sesuai buat mereka yg suka
meratah dan mencicah.."


1 kg kepah
4 sudu besar fresh cream
220 ml sos cendawan
(knorr atau lain2)
6 ulas bawang putih (potong dadu)
sedikit daun parsley/daun bawang

Rupa kepah mentah


Cuci kepah sehingga betul-betul bersih...ketepikan..
Kemudian,panaskan periuk tefal dengan sedikit minyak masak..
Masukkan bawang putih yang telah dipotong dadu tadi..
Goreng sehingga naik bau..
Lantas,masukkan fresh cream bersama sos cendawan..kacau sebentar..
Kemudian..masukkan kepah...
Masak sehingga kepah terbuka dan sos sedikit pekat..
Rasakan garam..
Padamkan api dan taburkan daun parsley/daun sup yg telah dihiris..

Siap dimasak

Sedia untuk dihidang..
Sesuai dimakan begitu sahaja
bersama roti baget peranchis
roti biasa

Selamat Mencuba!

p/s:hidangan untuk 3-4 orang makan..

Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's All About Me

Bonjour.. real name is Muhammad Wafeeq but you also can call me..Wafeeq..
My sister..Nasrin Humaira calls me 'abang long'.

Today I would like to share with you a little bit of my life story..

I was born in 31 October 2001 in Kota Bharu Kelantan at 3.30 p.m..
Ibu told me that she was shocked to see me because my skin colour turned to be so fair and not as black as what she saw a minute after I was funny..
And yet..I am still fair until now..why?
Ibu told me that..maybe because every night she ate a lot of water-melon and ice-cream during her pregnancy period..
funny again..

Now,I am 6 years old.I went to E'cole Perochon school just 5 minutes from my home..
The picture above was taken last year with my classmates and teachers..
Can you spot me?

My fifth birthday party

My lessons begin at 8.30 a.m until 4.15 everyday except for Wednesday.
On Wednesday,my lessons end at 11.30 a.m.
Every Friday evening,I went for my swim class activity..It is so fun to be there..
I think my Ibu will show you the pictures about the swimming soon..
During my free time ,I like to play football with my sister,
cycling and play playstation games..
My favourite colour is red and my favourite number is number 1..

Now,I can speak french,English,Bahasa Melayu and loghat Kedah too..
Every night after solat,my parents taught me 'mengaji',English,Maths and Bahasa Melayu too..They said that I must be well prepared before I can enter the school in Malaysia..
But I like Maths very much..instead of English..

This is my exercise book..I coloured and drew the picture of me by myself..

This is my drawing of a red whale..
It has big body with a tiny tail..

And this is my video which was taken by my Ibu during my English lesson
with ayah will mark my written exercises..
Merci beaucoup for reading my entry..

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hari Guru..

Happy Teacher's Day
16 May

Selamat menyambut Hari all my collegues at SKST Diamond Bay and my ex-collegues at SKG Jeli Kelantan..

Especially for my fellow friends from MP Sri Pinang and MPPPP...Miss u guys..

and to all the my primary and secondary school teachers,.
my hubby,my father,my FIL,my sister,my SIL,my lecturers especially to
MR Sam,Encik Wahid and Puan Wan Faizah..

and also my ex-francais lecturers from IPBA
also my ex-francais class collegues..

Last but not all the cyber friends that celebrate the Teacher's Day..

Teacher's Day lunch 2005


With my Presents Committe for Teacher's Day 2005

My Year 1 pupils..
Wait for teacher...I'll be back soon...

p/s:Happy Teacher's Day to Lyn Zainal and MMJ

Monday, May 14, 2007

My wish list before 26 juin 2007..

Kalau boleh dapat mesti best kan...

Swarovski pendant
1** euros

..I think I must order it through internet..kat boutique dah habis..
Suka sangat dgn love shape..mcm 'heart of the ocean' kan..

Antigua Cabas PM Navy Striped from Louis Vuitton
3** euros

..Ini yang menjad idaman kalbu sejak dulu..
Tapi LV brand mmg tiada sale...
and this is for the limited edition only..
Kalau ada rezeki beli...

or my second choice....

Guess handbag
1** euros

..Actually I do not like this handbag but I like its pattern, colour and skin design..jeans..
Yang berkenan dah jumpa tapi tidak ada dalam online catalog..must get it from Guess boutique

Promod dress
29.90 euros

..So preetykan...I like the colour and design..
Kainnya sangat lembut sebab sudah p usha banyak kali..
Mmg berkenan...

or I will choose this one

From Promode design..

boleh tahan mahal jugak harganya..

Hmm..dunno which one to choose..

Eye palette from Sephora
35 euros

Yang ini pun cantikkan..InsyaAllah akan beli..
hope so..

and this one too...

Lolita Lempicka Perfume
52.30 euros.. 50ml

Cantik bentuk dan design botolnya...
Bau pun besh..

and for my princess...

Perfume Planet Kid

15.90 euros

Yang ini insyaAllah boleh beli..

Thank you so much kat my sweet hubby because he gives me
about 400 - 500 euros to buy anything that I like here or in Malaysia..
Terpulang padaku katanya..
Suka sangat..!Hehe..merci beaucoup mon cheri..

Tapi nampak gaya budgetku dah terlebih.hihihi..harus pilih yang betul-betul penting
dan worth buy here rather than Malaysia..betul x?

Adakah my wish list will come true?..We will see then..

a/d:Byk lagi brg2 yg bermain di pandangan mata...Periuk Tefal pun nak jugak..hihih..